Embed song lyrics in MP3 tags
Lyricsgrabber is a very simple python script which searches lyrics for MP3s and embeds them in their tags. Relies on,, and eyeD3 for tagging. You pass Lyricsgrabber a directory or it automatically starts in the current working directory. It then collects all MP3 files in that directory, looks up their lyrics according to artist and trackname tags and, if it finds some text, stores them in the appropriate tag. If successful, it should be possible to view the song lyrics on your iPod. You could make Lyricsgrabber search for MP3 files recursively below the start directory. Lyricsgrabber features logging, so you could see what texts have been written to what files.
Recent versions feature a GTK user interface:
An integrated lyrics editor allows manually editing individual song lyrics:
The goal is to build a GUI driven application for editing audio tags for lyrics and easily, possibly, add cover images to album folders or individual tags. The application is supposed to scan large music archives and add the appropriate data in batch mode - though giving the user the ability to later correct or add information manually.
Please feel to try out the software. It's in early alpha: so things might not go smoothly. There are a lot of features still missing. However, basic lyric fetching, editing and storing should work for reaonable amounts of data. Feature request, bug reports and any form of support are very much welcomed. Absolutely no warranties whatsoever: use the software at your own risk!